It´s time for reflection... updates in both your inner and outer life; Do you express your real you, of time of being, a real authentic human person. Do you show other what you really feel inside, who you are and feel you to be, in your real inner heart….?
- "To Be or not to Be, That is the Question?" (from Hamlet 3/1 ), William Shakespeare. And that is the question. I also have asked for myself. So, no, is the answer to that.
I want to work more with global charity. Help people in need, in their daily day. And my focus right now goes to south Europe, Spain, Italy and Greece. My dream for now is that I can help this people, concrete in some way, in the near future. The first time I worked official with global charity, was when I was 20. I worked as a volunteer in Chiang Mai, in Thailand. I was backpacking on my own, for the search, for the adventure. I worked with fundraising on parties, to give money to an orphanage. It felt good to do that in my heart, do something good for other people in our world, who have less, then me. I felt I could actually, make a difference for children and aids ill babies in Thailand, at that time. And it maked me happy to feel . I like to do the concrete physical work, as helping other “People in Need”, no regards to age. And I feel, right now, it´s time for me, again to work concrete with these subjects of human values, such as humanity and respect to other people, with no regards to country, religion or sex. We live all, in the same World.
- What will Happen with our Future, if we don´t help or show care for each other, anymore???
So, this is my new start for the A/W-2013 season, work more with Global Charity. Help other people. We need each other. Re-use the People, again. Every person is unique and beautiful. Let it Shine!!! It's time to close the books for the first half and see if it still feels right. Maybe you should correct the old course, before you take a new direction for the upcoming fall season. It is never too late to change, do something that feels better.
As you already maybe know by now, is that I´m a really lover for Ageless fashion and Sustainable fashion & living. So the trends for 2013, that I mentioned, earlier this year in my Blog, is still very HOT and useful in many ways. The key is to find the CONTRAST, the harmony and the balance between the known and the unknown. To find a middle-way of the things you already have in your wardrobe and the new things you see, in the stores.
So for this autumn/winter season, I will continue to use some of my past pieces that I bought for many years ago, which I still think could be good and fit me perfect this a/w-2013. For example, I will use my classic riding-boots, bought in 2009 from Gucci. I will mix it together with my new classic dark marine army coat, which I bought spontaneously from H&M, last week. I also bought some "good" styles last year in the color Bordeaux. This season I will use inspiration from one of the sustainable classic trends; the Modern Sailor. My best sustainable tip to you; look in to your wardrobe with new re-freshing eyes and see if you can update your styles from the last seasons to mix it on a new way that makes you feel good, this fall. The key trend and must-have-item this season, is the "Statement Coat", in 2013. See below; Fashion Trends, A/W-2013.
This Season Last Season
Burberry Prorsum, F/W-2013. Isabel Marant, F/W-2012.
The black coat in a new shape. The white transparent Trench-coat. Burberry Prorsum, F/W-2013
The perfect statement coat from the French designer Isabel Marant, F/W-2011.
Pss: If you have the time over..., please try to do something good for other such as just listen one minute extra, on what people around you, have to say and try to tell to you. Please try to take care of those, who have less then you. Please help other Human beings if you´s soon Christmas time.
Take care for now, and I wish you all the best!!!
Peace, Love & Respect, 2013.
Sofia Wean ;-)))
All pictures from All text by Sofia Wean © 2013.